Eduvos Leaders to Present at Braintree's Exclusive Education Days.

Eduvos Leaders to Present at Braintree's Exclusive Education Days.

Post by Eduvos, June 4, 2024.

We are excited to announce that our very own Dr. Miné de Klerk and Dr. Riaan Steenberg will be keynote speakers at Braintree's Surface and Copilot Education Days.  

These events will take place in Cape Town, Nelson Mandela Bay and Johannesburg in June. The events feature speakers from different fields of expertise in technology and education. Each of the presentations will be aimed at educators and school principals, talking about the power of cutting-edge technology to transform the education sector.  

The Surface and Copilot Education Days will serve as a platform for educators, IT professionals, and business leaders to explore the latest innovations in educational technology. Attendees will gain insights into leveraging Microsoft Surface devices and AI-powered tools to enhance educational excellence. 

Keynote Speakers 

Dr. Miné de Klerk
, Design & Future Learning Manager at Eduvos, will deliver the keynote address in Johannesburg. Dr. de Klerk has been instrumental in steering the institution towards a future-focused, technology-driven educational model. She leads the Eduvos AI Committee, ensuring the ethical and sustainable integration of AI in education.   

Dr. Riaan Steenberg, Executive Director at Eduvos, will keynote the Cape Town and Nelson Mandela Bay events. With over two decades of global experience in higher education and management, Dr. Steenberg is passionate about making quality, affordable higher education accessible to all Africans.  

Event Dates 
Cape Town
: 5 June 2024 at Crystal Towers 
Nelson Mandela Bay: 6 June 2024 at Southern Sun, The Marine 
Johannesburg: 12 June 2024 at Focus Rooms, Sandton, Johannesburg 

Attendees will be shown how modern technologies can be used to revolutionise education. The speakers, including Eduvos leaders, will illustrate how modern technology can be used to prepare learners for a tech-driven world and foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  

We are excited about the future of technology and its potential to revolutionise education and we are thrilled that our leaders are paving the way for embracing AI in education. Partnering with Braintree, a leader in digital-age solutions, aligns with our vision of leveraging technology to drive educational excellence. 

Sign up for the event here.

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