Vossie Feature: Kayla May Niemand.

Vossie Feature: Kayla May Niemand.

Vossie Feature: Kayla May Niemand.

Post by Eduvos, August 22, 2023.

Eduvos Bachelor of Commerce in Law graduate, Kayla talks to us about her Eduvos journey at our East London campus.    

Why did you choose to study at Eduvos and your qualification?  
I was looking at universities in South Africa that cater towards working professionals studying for a degree but still want to study full-time. I found Eduvos, enrolled, and became a Vossie. I've always wanted to study law and be in the legal field. After high school, I travelled abroad. When I returned, I realised I still wanted to pursue a law degree. At first, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to first study a Bachelor of Commerce in Law, but I chose that path and now I am working towards my LLB.  

How was it studying full-time and working full-time?  
Being a bit older than other students, I found that my time was really important to me, and I wanted to work full-time and still study full-time. Eduvos was the only institution at the time that allowed working students to study full-time and they considered my working schedule with my enrolment application. I attended classes during my lunch hour. My employer and lecturers were amenable to me having an hour flexible schedule in my day so I could attend classes. I would go to campus, attend classes, and then do my own readings and work through the modules when I got home. I was determined to get my degree.  

How was it studying a double major?  
When I started my studies, our student mentors and advisors mentioned that I could take a double major, which I really appreciated. Going through my first year, I realised I would be able to manage more modules. I have this motto; I believe time passes anyway, so instead of scrolling through Instagram or watching something on the TV, why not use the time to make a meaningful change to your future and career by educating yourself to contribute to society? It was for this reason that I decided to take up a double major in Business Management and Human Resource Management. Sure, it put a little more on my shoulders, but it was achievable, and I really enjoyed both. Anything is achievable if you set your goal to achieve it. 

What was your experience on campus and with staff members?  
I know that I wasn’t the only working student which was reassuring. From the start, all staff were considerate, respectful and supportive. Whenever we needed something, we always had answers. Support staff services were impeccable, and I felt I could always rely on a lecturer or administrators to assist me with whatever I needed. I had previously studied at a public institution for a year, and I could see a distinct difference in the quality of education and offerings. I loved my Eduvos lecturers, they knew what they were talking about, they motivated me to become better and challenged me. This made a big difference to me and my experience with my degree.  

What makes Eduvos unique?  
As I’ve previously mentioned, I had an amazing experience with Eduvos. I’m currently pursuing my LLB at another institution, of course, I would have loved to continue my studies at Eduvos. However, Eduvos does not yet offer an LLB qualification. I find that having a campus in the city where you live helps a lot, I really enjoyed the Eduvos East London campus.  I found the student portal (myLMS) to be so helpful, it’s not something you get somewhere else. It’s student-friendly and makes things achievable.  

How has your qualification contributed to your employment?  
As I mentioned, I worked throughout my degree. I can however say that when I’d return to work after attending classes or working through a module and I’d feel like I understand what I’m doing in the workplace. Eduvos has contributed tremendously, 100%. I now understand a lot more about the procedures of work and everything I do.  

With it being Women’s Month, do you have any words of encouragement for our students?   
I believe women work and fight just as hard as anyone else in any professional industry. We need to know our worth, show our worth and stick together. I 100% believe that by sticking together and helping one another, you will contribute to society by growing and strengthening the female population. In addition to saying that, we must work hard to earn the respect we deserve without expecting it. It is then that you truly portray the strength and worth that a woman bears. 

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